He finally moved out. Mr Q I mean. He's gone. Left last night. He'd packed a bag on Friday but didn't leave. Stayed long enough to go on a date, have some extra sex, go to a barbeque with me... then he moved out. Says he's only going to be gone until the marriage counselling can start. And then he'll move back if we're making some improvements.
It hurts that he moved out after I told him what I think my underlying cause was for how I've treated him lately. The cause? My fear of him leaving me. Ironic isn't it?
I thought that assuring myself when I was about to get too out of control would be fine. But, I guess not. He did leave me after all. Said to me yesterday though that he was moving out because he was too depressed. He needed to get away from me and himself. How does one get away from one's self?